Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Body abuse

It is amazing how much abuse a body can take. Mine apparently can tolerate more pain and suffering then some of my friends. Jimmy performed the ritual pictured above; there is a English name for it but I forgot. Ask any Asians and they should know the concept behind it. Interestingly, I saw Anthony Quinn doing it on an actress in a movie which I also forgot. So it is not really unique to the Asian culture.

Anyways, NoNo's friend Newton Niu, traditional Chinese medicine doctor, did some ancient Chinese accupressure on me the other night in my desperate attempts to relief myself of constant back, shoulder, neck and head pains. His way of accupressure or massage is different from others in a way that he uses constant swift series of massage movements in combination to achieve the "Chi" flow. Something like that.

According to him, my pelvis is not aligned so my legs and not the same length and that is why it is affecting the spine and ultimately the shoulder and neck muscles and nerves. Thinking that way, my left side is usually more in pain than the right. And since I carry heavy cameras on my right shoulder, this kind of makes sense. I'll go back for few more sessions and we'll see.

I'm getting my tummy massaged here. Kind of embarrassing, someguy touching my fatty tummy.

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