Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Frog Eyes

Posting a blog actually can upset, offend, happify, or alienate my family, friends or anyone who happened to cross path with me. I found that out with my first posting last night. Now I have some sort of reservations on what thoughts I want to share with anyone. Should I have reservations? Probably not. Should I keep a private journal? I already do. So, what the heck, I will take it step by step.

Frog eyes.
NoNo sent me her photo this morning showing her bulging eyes from crying all night. They looked like frog eyes she said. They don’t look that bad too me. NoNo cried all night most likely from missing her son Nio and the sense that she thinks Jimmy is not happy with her. I personally believe that Jimmy is in lots of stress at work and the fact that they have not have the proper signal to proceed with their impending move. All the questions and advices from friends are really not helping much, only adding to the anxiety which is making jimmy uneasy with our discussions on the matter. I know our queries and thoughts are all good in nature and are of curiosity, but; it is because we care that we talk about it.

Everyone, just relax and let the process move on its own pace. Talk about something else next time we meet.

Rehab visit.
I visited Ramsen’s father in the rehab center this afternoon and saw him having difficulties getting up and walking. Just four months ago when I saw him last, he was stumbling a little but not to the point as like today. Kaiser’s doctors have not had any diagnosis on his conditions, yet, for about a year now and his condition definitely had progressed rapidly. Ramsen is not too happy with the health care system the HMO is operating on. There were no set of plans on getting to the bottom of the cause and to root out any possibilities. Sigh... Posted by Picasa

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